June 20, 2009

Be Hornier

Artist: quimarello (SA)

June 19, 2009

Cliff Comeback

Artist: Moai Ou (SA)
We all miss him, Norm.

Bulgiest President

Artist: quimarello (SA)Fun Facts: William Howard Taft weighed over 300 pounds. He's also the last US president to sport facial hair while in office. With a bitchin' stache like that, I don't blame his successors for not trying to compete.

Tippled Aide

Artist: False Noses (SA)"Mishter Shmith... *hic* it'sh time fer...yer colonoshcopy...*hic*"

June 18, 2009

Sparse Slice

Artist: Quacks Duckington (SA)

Cornucopia III: This Time It's Personal

Artist: Arugula (SA)
One of many failed anti-terrorism plans of the Bush administration.
Artist: Arugula (SA)
Artist: Captain Failcon (SA)

Just in time for father's day...

Artist: Carl the Shivan (SA)

Artist: Feminition (SA)

Artist: Howard the Dork (SA)
Artist: Is my soup too hot (SA)
Artist: RubySprinkles (SA)

June 14, 2009

The Horror

This summer...
Artist credit: I Greyhound (SA)
Artist credit: Quacks Duckington (SA)

Worst Store Ever

Artist credit: Arugula (SA)Artist credit: Carl the Shivan (SA)
This must be where corporations shop when they have a "surplus".